Title Insurance Underwriting
Our underwriter, Fidelity National Title Group is a member of the Fidelity National Financial (NYSE: FNF) family of companies and the nation’s largest group of title companies and title insurance underwriters – Chicago Title Insurance Company, Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, Alamo Title Insurance, Lawyers Title, and Ticor Title – that collectively issue more title insurance policies than any other title company in the United States.
As a buyer, protecting your most valued asset, your home, from fraudulent claims against your ownership, liens, and undisclosed heirs are just some of the reasons you need title insurance. In this site you will find information on the steps you need to take to purchase a home and secure your ownership. Fidelity National Title takes pride in the fact that we have helped homebuyers through the real estate transaction process for more than 150 years. It’s your investment – it’s your choice: contact your Real Estate agent and insist on Fidelity National Title Insurance.
As a seller, making sure your sale closes smoothly and efficiently is one reason to choose an established company with a long history in the real estate process. Information on the process from the seller’s perspective is provided in this site. Fidelity National Title’s professional staff is there to make sure your needs are represented fully and accurately. For title and escrow services that are unparalleled in the industry, insist on Fidelity National Title when you speak to your Real Estate agent or attorney.
We exist solely for our clients
WFG understands that it has no purpose without its clients, and that its success is dependent entirely upon the success of its partners and customers.
Communicate | Collaborate | Co-exist
Client focus through constant communication, an unconditional willingness to collaborate and co-exist with our partners for the customer’s benefit.
Take time and cost out of real estate transactions.
The Williston Financial Group of businesses (WFG) are dedicated to taking time and cost out of real estate transactions. By focusing on the client and their processes, WFG will help compress the time required to close a loan and/or transfer real property ownership. By empowering industry professionals with integrated technologies, WFG will provide efficient high quality products and services. By enabling client processes, WFG will increase closing rates. By minimizing corporate infrastructure, WFG will avoid operating a costly hierarchical organization.
Obsessed About Service
WFG focuses on taking time out of real estate transactions by obsessing about service and providing metrics that create the most unparalleled customer experience in the industry.